Village of Victor
Municipal Office Information:
Address: 60 East Main Street
Victor, NY 14564
Telephone: (585) 924-3311 Fax: (585) 924-0282
Stormwater Management Program Coordinator:
John Turner
Department of Public Works Director
Ph: (585) 924-2004
Gary Hadden
Ph: (585) 924-3311
County: Ontario
Population: (2010) – 2,589
Area: 1.4 Square Miles
Victor was settled near the site of Ganondagan, a Seneca village burned to the ground by the Marquis de Denonville in July, 1687. Upon gaining access to rail travel in 1840, the village began seeing an influx of Irish immigrants who established the first Catholic Church in 1850. German and Italian immigrants arrived later in the nineteenth century leading to the village’s incorporation in 1879. Landmarks include nearby Ganondagan State Historic Site and Valentown Museum.
Stormwater Management Activities:
Website detailing the Village of Victor's MS4 activities:
Village of Victor has mapped nearly all of its storm drain outfalls.
Construction site plans are reviewed regularly by the Village staff to ensure compliance with Stormwater Phase II regulations.
Public hearings are scheduled when necessary to ensure that Village residents have a chance to voice their opinion on any proposed project that may impact water quality.
Village Engineer performs construction site inspections in accordance with State and Federal regulations.
Village staff receives regular training to keep apprised of current Stormwater Phase II practices.